
Given technological advancements, mobile apps are being updated to comply with modern technology. These app updates are continuously pushing to consume more data. Users are now interested in reducing their mobile data consumption on their mobile devices.

The amount of data that your phone uploads or downloads using mobile data is referred to as mobile data usage. You can check your data usage and reduce mobile data usage on your Android phone to ensure that you are not exceeding the limits of your data plan.

How to Check Your Android Data Usage

  • Go to your phone’s Settings app and open it.
  • Click on Network & Internet and then, Data Usage.
  • Under Mobile, you’ll see your total data usage.
  • Click on Mobile Data Usage to see graphs and details.
  • Click the Down arrow to pick a time period.
  • Then, look below the graph to see how much data each app uses.

Please keep in mind that the majority of the steps we’ll go over here will only function on Android 8.0 and up. As a result, there is a need to verify your version and update your Android version.

How to Reduce Mobile Data Usage On Android Devices

Switch to Data Saver Mode

Data saver mode allows you to use less mobile data when you have a limited data plan. Data Saver Mode restricts your mobile data consumption by enabling most apps and services to access background data only through Wi-Fi. The mobile data plan can only be used by current apps and services.

Follow the instructions below to enable Data Saver Mode.

  • Open your phone’s Settings app.
  • Tap Network & internet And then Data Saver.
  • Turn Data Saver on or off.
  • In your status bar, when Data Saver is on, you’ll see the Data Saver icon.
  • You’ll also see a notification at the top of your phone’s Settings app.

There are some apps and services that won’t work as expected unless you permit them to run in the background even when you’re not using them. To prevent apps from being interrupted when there’s no Wi-Fi and let them run in the background using mobile data, all you need to do is turn on the Unrestricted Data button for those apps. Just:

  • Open your phone’s Settings app.
  • Go to Network & Internet and click on it. Click Data Saver And then Unrestricted data.
  • Select the app or service you’d like to use mobile data and Turn the on while Data Saver is on.

Set Mobile Data Usage Warning

Mobile data usage warnings help notify you about your data usage. To set your data usage warning, just follow the steps below:

  • Open your phone’s Settings app.
  • Click Network & Internet and then, Data usage.
  • Click on mobile data usage and then Settings.
  • Select Data warning and turn on the Set Data Warning.
  • Enter a number. To switch between megabytes (MB) and gigabytes (GB), click the Down arrow.
  • Click Set and that’s all. Anytime your usage limit has reached the level you picked, you’ll get a notification.

Set Mobile Data Usage Limit

Mobile data usage limits help you turn off your mobile data automatically. Follow the steps below to set a data usage limit:

  • Open your phone’s Settings app.
  • Select Network & Internet and then click on Data usage.
  • Tap Mobile data usage and then Settings.
  • Turn on Set data limit if it’s not on already. Read the on-screen message and tap Ok.
  • Tap Data limit.
  • Enter a number to switch between megabytes (MB) and gigabytes (GB), click the Down arrow.
  • Select Set and you’re down. Once you reach your limit, data will automatically turn off.

To turn on your mobile data again, follow the same steps as in the procedure to turn off your data limit above.

Change Your Mobile Settings to Save Data Usage

Another way you can reduce mobile data usage is by changing your mobile settings. These can be done in four different ways.

Turn mobile data On/Off

Turning off mobile data access helps you conserve data. This action only allows you to use data when you connect to a Wi-Fi network.

Just go to your phone’s Settings app. Click on Network & Internet, and then select Data Usage. Finally, tap Mobile Data to turn it on or off.

Turn auto-sync data On/Off

Auto-sync helps you manage how your apps sync messages, emails, and other latest data in your Google Account. When your phone app syncs, your Google apps refresh their data, and you get notifications about updates.

It is important to note that any apps on your phone designed by Google automatically sync with your Google Account by default. However, in a short while, we will show you how to turn off auto-sync for apps designed by Google and Google Account.

How to Turn off Auto-sync for apps designed by Google

  • Open your phone’s Settings app.
  • Select Accounts.
  • Select the account you want to sync if you have more than one account on your phone.
  • Click Account sync.
  • Finally, turn off the apps you don’t want to auto-sync.

How to Turn off Auto-sync for your Google Account

  • Open your phone’s Settings app.
  • Select Accounts.
  • Turn off Automatically sync data.

How to Allow or Restrict data usage by app

Restricting background data usage usually affects the app’s performance. Sometimes you don’t get messages from the app except when you open it.

According to Google, “Before restricting data usage from your phone’s Settings app, check whether you can restrict data usage from the app’s own settings menu.”

To restrict background data usage by an app:

  • Go to your phone’s Settings app, click on it to open it.
  • Select Network & Internet and then Data usage.
  • Click on Mobile data usage.
  • Scroll down to locate the app you want to restrict.
  • Tap the app’s name for more details and options.
  • Change background mobile data usage.
  • To restrict background data usage for this app, turn off Background data.
  • To allow unrestricted mobile data usage when data saver is on, turn on Unrestricted data usage.

How to Turn data roaming On/Off

Sometimes you may be in a place where you have little or no data coverage. Data roaming may be the only option to connect and access the internet. Date roaming could lead to extra charges.

However, to turn on or off data roaming, just go to your phone’s Settings app and click on it to open the setting. Select Network & Internet as usual, and then click on Mobile Network. Now, you can turn roaming on or off.

I hope this guide was helpful. If you need help on how to do anything online, you can reach us via the comment section.

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