
Cambridge Trust Scholarships are scholarships offered by the University of Cambridge for undergraduate, masters, and research postgraduate courses starting in the academic year. These scholarships have different eligibility criteria and application processes. The trust aims to help students living outside of the United Kingdom pursue higher studies irrespective of their nationality or background. It is important to choose the right Cambridge Trust Scholarship category, as certain scholarships may only be available for specific programmes or courses.

Importance of Choosing the Right Scholarship Category

The Cambridge Trust Scholarships program offers numerous scholarship categories to aspiring students. It is imperative to select the correct category, as it can significantly impact an individual’s academic and professional journey. When selecting a scholarship category, it is vital to contemplate various factors that align with one’s field of study and career aspirations within the esteemed Cambridge University setting.

Each Cambridge Trust Scholarship category is designed to support specific disciplines or areas of study. By meticulously selecting a category that matches one’s field of interest, students can access specialized funding opportunities tailored to their academic pursuits. This approach increases the likelihood of receiving financial support and ensures that the scholarship aligns with their educational requirements and objectives.

Furthermore, each Cambridge Trust Scholarship category has its own set of eligibility requirements that students must meet. Understanding these criteria and making sure that they match one’s qualifications and strengths is essential. By choosing a category that aligns with their abilities, students can enhance their chances of securing the scholarship, easing the financial burden of studying at Cambridge University and enabling them to focus more on their studies.

Moreover, selecting the right Cambridge Trust Scholarship category can provide students with unique resources and networking opportunities within their chosen field of study. Some categories may offer specialized mentorship programs, research grants, or connections with renowned academics and professionals at Cambridge University. This exposure enriches their academic experience, opens doors to valuable collaborations, and provides promising career prospects.

Finally, choosing the appropriate scholarship category within the Cambridge Trust Scholarships program is a crucial decision for aspiring students. It can have a significant impact on their academic and professional journey by providing financial aid, aligning with their educational needs, and offering unique resources and networking opportunities.

Understanding Cambridge Trust Scholarship Categories

The Cambridge Trust Scholarships are offered for undergraduate, masters, and research postgraduate courses starting in the academic year. The overview for each category are as follows:

For undergraduate courses, the Cambridge Trust Scholarship is available to all students irrespective of their nationality or background. However, certain scholarships may only be available for specific programs or courses

For research postgraduate courses, the scholarship is available to three-year research PhD applicants, two-year research MSc or MLitt students, and one-year postgraduate students of courses such as MPhil, LLM, etc.

For masters and PhD applicants, the scholarship is available to international students of any subject and can be studied at any College in Cambridge. The award value is £12,000 per year towards university tuition fees for the duration of the course. The basis of grant selection includes financial need (including hardship) and academic merit. Approximately 20 awards are available for this category.

It is advisable to research funding sources available for postgraduate applicants before making an application as certain scholarships may only be available for specific programs or courses. Read more information on our Comprehensive Expert Insights on the Trust Scholarships.

Exploring Scholarship Categories in Detail

The Cambridge Trust offers a range of scholarship categories to support students at various stages of their academic journey. While the specific categories may vary over time, here’s an overview of some commonly known Cambridge Trust Scholarship categories:

  1. Cambridge Trust Research Scholarships:
    • Aimed at students pursuing research degrees (e.g., Ph.D., MPhil) at Cambridge University.
    • Provides financial support for tuition fees and living expenses during the research program.
    • Emphasizes the importance of research excellence and potential contribution to the chosen field.
    • Fields of Study Covered: Research degrees across various disciplines offered at Cambridge University, such as sciences, humanities, engineering, social sciences, etc.
    • Application Requirements and Process: Typically, applicants are required to have a confirmed offer of admission to a research program at Cambridge University. They need to submit a research proposal, academic transcripts, references, and any other specific requirements outlined by the Cambridge Trust. The application process may involve an online application form, submission of supporting documents, and possibly an interview.
  2. Cambridge Trust Masters Scholarships:
    • Designed for students pursuing a full-time master’s degree at Cambridge University.
    • Offers financial assistance to cover tuition fees and living costs during the master’s program.
    • Encourages candidates with outstanding academic potential and a commitment to their field of study.
    • Fields of Study Covered: Full-time master’s degree programs in various disciplines offered at Cambridge University.
    • Application Requirements and Process: Eligible applicants need to have secured admission to a master’s program at Cambridge University. They are required to submit academic transcripts, references, a personal statement, and any additional documents specified by the Cambridge Trust. The application process usually includes an online application form and submission of supporting materials.
  3. Cambridge Trust PhD Scholarships:
    • Targets students pursuing a Ph.D. degree at Cambridge University.
    • Provides funding for tuition fees and living expenses throughout the Ph.D. program.
    • Places emphasis on academic excellence, research potential, and a strong research proposal.
    • Fields of Study Covered: Ph.D. degree programs across a wide range of disciplines offered at Cambridge University.
    • Application Requirements and Process: Prospective candidates are required to have an offer of admission to a Ph.D. program at Cambridge University. They need to submit a research proposal, academic transcripts, references, and any other specific requirements outlined by the Cambridge Trust. The application process typically involves an online application form, submission of supporting documents, and may include an interview.
  4. Cambridge Trust Undergraduate Scholarships:
    • Intended for undergraduate students pursuing a degree at Cambridge University.
    • Offers financial support to cover tuition fees and living expenses during the undergraduate program.
    • Prioritizes candidates with exceptional academic achievements and the potential to excel in their chosen field.
    • Fields of Study Covered: Undergraduate degree programs across various disciplines offered at Cambridge University.
    • Application Requirements and Process: Applicants should have applied for an undergraduate program at Cambridge University through the standard UCAS application process. Specific application requirements may include academic transcripts, personal statement, reference letters, and any other documents requested by the Cambridge Trust. The application process generally involves completing the UCAS application and meeting the deadlines specified by the university.

It is important to note that the fields of study covered and the application requirements and process may be subject to change. Prospective applicants should consult the official Cambridge Trust website or relevant scholarship resources for the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding the fields of study covered, application requirements, and application process for each scholarship category.

Eligibility Criteria for Each Category:

The eligibility criteria for each Cambridge Trust Scholarship category may vary. It is important for prospective applicants to carefully review the specific requirements outlined by the Cambridge Trust. Here’s a general understanding of the eligibility criteria:

  • Academic Excellence: Candidates are expected to demonstrate outstanding academic achievements, often with reference to academic transcripts, grades, or equivalent qualifications.
  • Field of Study: Each scholarship category may have a specific focus on certain disciplines or areas of study. Applicants need to ensure that their intended field of study aligns with the scholarship category they are applying for.
  • Admission to Cambridge University: Most scholarship categories require applicants to secure admission to Cambridge University as a prerequisite for scholarship consideration. This may involve meeting the university’s admission requirements and going through the standard application process.
  • Research Potential: For research-oriented scholarships, applicants are often evaluated based on their research proposal, research experience, and potential to contribute to their chosen field.
  • Personal Statement: Applicants may be required to submit a personal statement or essay highlighting their motivations, career aspirations, and how they plan to benefit from the scholarship opportunity.

It is important to note that these are general eligibility criteria, and specific requirements may vary for each scholarship category within the Cambridge Trust program. Prospective applicants should consult the official Cambridge Trust website or relevant scholarship resources for detailed and up-to-date information on the eligibility criteria for each category.

Tips for Choosing the Right Cambridge Trust Scholarship Category

When it comes to choosing the right Cambridge Trust scholarship category, careful consideration is essential. Here are some tips to help you navigate the selection process:

  1. Understand Your Field of Study and Goals: Take the time to evaluate your academic interests, career aspirations, and long-term goals. Consider which scholarship category aligns best with your field of study and desired academic path. Think about how each category can support your academic and professional growth.
  2. Research Available Scholarship Categories: Explore the different scholarship categories offered by the Cambridge Trust. Understand the specific focus and requirements of each category. Look for information on the fields of study covered, eligibility criteria, and the benefits associated with each category. This research will help you make an informed decision.
  3. Match Eligibility Criteria and Requirements: Pay close attention to the eligibility criteria and application requirements for each scholarship category. Ensure that you meet the academic and personal qualifications specified for the category you are considering. Take note of any additional documents or qualifications required for each category.
  4. Consider Your Strengths and Experiences: Reflect on your strengths, experiences, and achievements. Identify which scholarship category best highlights and supports your unique qualities. Consider how your past experiences and accomplishments align with the goals and objectives of each category.
  5. Seek Advice and Guidance: Reach out to mentors, professors, or academic advisors who can provide guidance in choosing the right scholarship category. They can offer insights based on their knowledge and experience and help you make an informed decision that aligns with your academic and career goals.
  6. Think Long-Term: Consider the long-term impact of the scholarship category on your academic and professional journey. Evaluate how the scholarship can contribute to your academic development, research opportunities, networking prospects, and future career prospects within your chosen field of study.
  7. Review Success Stories: Read about the experiences of past scholarship recipients who pursued different categories. Learn from their journeys and how the scholarship category impacted their academic and professional growth. These stories can provide valuable insights and inspire you in making the right choice.
  8. Consider Financial Considerations: Keep in mind any financial considerations, such as the cost of tuition, living expenses, and the scholarship’s coverage. Evaluate the financial support provided by each scholarship category and ensure it aligns with your needs.
  9. Take Note of Deadlines: Keep track of application deadlines for each scholarship category. Plan your application timeline accordingly to ensure you have enough time to gather required documents, write compelling essays, and submit a strong application.
  10. Trust Your Instincts: Ultimately, trust your instincts and choose a scholarship category that resonates with you. Consider the category that excites and motivates you the most, aligns with your goals, and allows you to showcase your potential.

Remember, choosing the right Cambridge Trust scholarship category is an important decision that can shape your academic and professional journey. By considering these tips and thoroughly researching your options, you can make an informed choice that maximizes your chances of success and helps you thrive in your field of study.

Application Process and Timeline

The application process and timeline for Cambridge Trust Scholarships may vary depending on the specific scholarship category and the academic program you are applying for. However, here’s a general overview of the application process and timeline:

  1. Research and Preparation:
    • Research the available Cambridge Trust scholarship categories and determine which ones align with your field of study and academic goals.
    • Review the eligibility criteria, application requirements, and any specific documents or materials needed for each category.
    • Prepare the necessary documents, such as academic transcripts, letters of recommendation, a personal statement, research proposal (if required), and any additional materials specified by the scholarship category.
  2. Admission to Cambridge University:
    • Before applying for a Cambridge Trust scholarship, you will need to secure admission to the specific academic program at Cambridge University associated with the scholarship category you are interested in.
    • Familiarize yourself with the application process and deadlines for admission to the program. Requirements may include submitting an application form, academic transcripts, letters of recommendation, standardized test scores (if applicable), and a personal statement.
  3. Scholarship Application:
    • Once you have secured admission to the academic program, you can proceed with the scholarship application.
    • Complete the scholarship application form, which may be available online through the official Cambridge Trust website.
    • Prepare and submit all the required supporting documents as outlined in the scholarship category’s application requirements. This typically includes academic transcripts, letters of recommendation, a personal statement, and any additional materials specified.
  4. Application Review and Selection:
    • After the application deadline, the scholarship selection committee will review all received applications.
    • The review process may involve assessing academic achievements, research potential (if applicable), personal statement, letters of recommendation, and other relevant criteria specific to the scholarship category.
    • Shortlisted candidates may be invited for interviews or additional assessments as part of the selection process.
  5. Notification of Results:
    • Once the selection process is complete, successful scholarship recipients will be notified of their award.
    • Unsuccessful applicants will also receive notification.

It is important to note that the timeline for the application process may vary depending on the scholarship category and the academic program’s application deadlines. It is crucial to closely monitor the official Cambridge Trust website and scholarship resources for the most up-to-date information on application deadlines and timelines.

To ensure a smooth application process, it is recommended to start early, gather all required documents, and carefully follow the instructions provided by the Cambridge Trust and the specific scholarship category. Pay close attention to deadlines and allocate sufficient time to complete and submit your application.


Choosing the right Cambridge Trust scholarship category is a crucial step in securing financial support and pursuing academic excellence at Cambridge University. By considering your field of study, aligning it with your goals, and understanding the specific requirements of each category, you can make an informed decision that maximizes your chances of success.

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